Monday, July 20, 2009

Mission possible Day #2 - Getting Familiar

Went for another CoS again today...this time its a new tank...who's doing it for the first time...Lucky I have dawyn in the group cos we did the time run with 2 mins left @ the boss...Beq finally got his Reins of the Bronze Drake!!! LOL...

Was back late and hence did not get a chance to do Freya in 10 men....Was asked to join for Mimiron...SO happy!!! Suppose to be healing the MT (fatechan ~ mage) tanking for him in one piece to P4 and did not realize that I was suppose to be healing him also for P4!! He got brez and hee...very next sec he was dead again!!! My bad!!!!

The try where we down general was a challenge, Bunny and I were the only 2 that was healing for cos Irony though that there is one more healing...hee...we managed quite fine though...remembering what I used to do when casting heals after a short talk with Hairy...I used the pre-cast method that I did not use for a long time....trick is to cast heal and see if tank's health is full or not...if tank's health is ok, cancel the heal at the very last minute...I was using Greater Heals...but according to Hairy, we should use Flash Heals and do the same thing...Our MT (pally) needed to do a lot of kiting (cos of Surge of Darkness sigh...a DK will be great tank for this fight) and we had a hard time running after him and wipe a few times before we did General Vezax successfully...

We had quite a lot of problem @ Yoggs 10 men...our newly joined members were spawning a few Guardian of Yogg-Saron, the last try we did, I was "saved" by the Flash Freeze, however according to wowhead its called Protective Gaze with very little health...Confirmed that its call Flash Freeze....Irony was telling me to get rid of the buff quickly, however I was not fast enough...and the out side raid got wiped very quickly...I was being encased in a block of ice...sob sob...I found out that we are suppose to create a macro "/cancelaura Flash Freeze" to remove the buff when necessary. I took a bigger step and created a big button to show when I have that BUFF using my ElkBuff addon...Hope it will work...I ever shifted back the grid to the previous position so that I can be more aware of the environment...

You can see a horribly created button LOL...I don't want to remove the anchor so that I can reposition it later...


  1. Valandil: Stop dao-ing me!
    Chrystie: Is Away From Keyboard
    **Valandil mumble mumble**

  2. LOL never see your message PS PS...
