Friday, July 31, 2009

Still need better FEEL...

Wow a lot of people already sign up for raid when I tried to sign up yesterday...some even register as early as Monday...I guess I will have to set an alarm to remind myself to register for raid...don't want to miss out the chance to familiarize myself on the different bosses...

We were discussing about the levels for the different profession when mao mao was saying "I am a priest! Why do I need bandage???!!!" LOL well said...Ya why do I need

Anyway I had mine maxed out long ago...

Did XT-002 Deconstructor and Hodir hard mode for the first time and of cos got the achievement for it...

XT-002's trantrum is really a PITA, I had to use my desperate prayer and a health stone too...Irony keeps asking me about my mana....really scared by him LOL...I was like very low on mana and he kept asking me "Chrystie are you fine with your mana?"
I was looking at my mana fiend and its like on 12 sec CD...still can survive (though a lot of things can happen in that short period of time)...I used Flash Heal then Greater Heal to keep the tank up...the constant prayer of mending gave me a very comfortable time to heal the tank...

During the 2 giant mob to Auriaya, one of the giant was killed faster then the other and hence the giant got buffed and killed tank that was tanking...I was so shocked!! eh?!!! OMG!!! MT Healer on training...dreaming?!!! What I should have done is to cast GS!!! Later when I pst Robin, he asked me to pay attention to that....ya I agree...should have been more alert to cast the GS as soon as one of the pair is down...not attentive enough...still need to have a better feel then what I having now...That's the big difference with a good healer and just a healer that can heal...

Hodir doing MT eyes never left the MT and all I did was to Flash heal, renew, prayer of mending and also circle of healing (CoH only after frozen blow when he 'screams')...Defeating Hodir in under 3:00 minutes?! Woot! Not very difficult but tough part is to make sure that the DPSers move, the have the tendency to stand still to DPS...The NPC mage and also the shaman must be freed and everything will fall in place...

Got switched out from Thorim cos Elyss wants to do Thorim...I gotta try it next time...never done it in 10 men hard mode before...

Sunday, July 26, 2009

MT Healing Training Program...

We had a few tries @ Thorim hard mode today but Arena Team keeps getting over whelmed...Dawyn is getting a lot of agro while he was doing his "forking" and I see him dying to mobs...Lots of pple keeps getting a lot of dmg from the chain lighting and Oaklin is getting lots of aggro from healing...more dmg pple gets, the more heals he does and in turn more aggro...

I got disconnected twice and had so much trouble reloading UI, tried a few commands like "/reload UI" and "/console reloadui", but both times my UI did not load properly especially my grid is no where to be seen...Harry had to mind control one of the mob to get us out of combat before I can get my grid back...

I am getting used to running with Irony up the stairs in Hallway...previously I had to run like mad to get to him...I was having a better feel I guess...

We downed all the way to Yogg-saron and then downed Ignis, Razor and then IC after tat (all in normal mode cos our GL is saying that we have wasted too much time)

Today I really pay lots of attention to our main fact it took a lot of my effort not to heal the lower health pple in the raid...hee...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Heal MT ONLY!!!

XT hard mode
Wiped again at XT hard we wipe more I can hear my heart beating faster and faster....

My hands had grown cold and shaking LOL...How can I be more scared of healing the MT more then the stupid thief that stole my bag from my home in the morning? LOL

"OK no more trying....we have wasted enough time....", our GL gave the signal to continue in normal mode...we have people in the raid that was too close when they had gravity bomb...twice in a row we actually were pulled back.... I guess that was Y we missed the enrage timer and wipe at 3%...wasted...

So no XT hard mode this week...I thing I realise from healing @ XT hard mode (we had Elyss - a shadow priest with us):

1.) I had no mana problem, I was spamming flash heals all the way
2.) Heart phase I will cast my shadow fiend after the shaman cast shadow fiend will be up by the time my mana is low, I still have inner focus
3.) Priest will have to click on Shadowcrawl to help in the heart phase DPS...and we should do it twice
4.) Must Shadow Word: Pain, Holy Fire and also use Devouring Plague...I casted Shadow Word: Death twice most of the time at heart phase...

Thorim Hard mode

Thorim first dry run I died @ hallway (left and right again)...dreaming!!! I heard the left but I stunned in RL for a sec...OMG how could I??

mao mao not happy with my way of healing the MT...He gave a scenerio, think of it this way: there were 2 other healers who were looking at me heal...and if I itchy hand and heal the raid...and within that 3 sec MT die? so they have to cover my inability to do my job as a MT healer...that means that 3 healers will be on tank!!! No way!! (I have bad habits that is actually inherited from healing in other guilds or rather since I have been raiding...usually the healers I know previously are unable to heal properly even though they are healing tank...Gotta help push heals a little...) Must wake up!~!!!

MT healer job is to top overheal meter...No more "saving mana and don't over heal"...

So now my new Vision: MT Healer...heal MT ONLY!!!

Next task is to aim the MT ONLY!!! Must drill that into my mind....if I want to be MT healer...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mission Possible Day #4 - MT healer?

I've got the biggest scare from nanny today when he pst me....I thought he was gonna scold me for being slow in healing sigh...since I am still having the aftermath of not raiding for sometime...or rather MT healing for a long time...I confessed that I know I healed badly for the last 10 men raid....and am trying to train myself up @ the moment...

But to my greatest surprise...he actually told me to MT heal the next 25 men!!!!!!!

"You must be kidding me!!! LOL" I wrote back to him...I made several print screens of what he said...I nearly fainted....I asked him a few times again and realise that he meant what he said...Me?? MT healer? OMG...

Frankly I've been MT healer for the past years but after joining my current guild I have never MT heal in 25 men before!! What is MT heal??? Things that were so naturally easy for me has became a very foreign thing...where did my confident go? All the healers in the guild are so super I never need to MT heal!!! I am no where in comparison to them!!! Must talk to mao mao...aka him healing is so simple!! argh!!!

I went ahead and continued my one instance a day...wanted to form a H CoS but end up doing naxx 10 men instead with Kemeko (his alt Eclar)....Never been so happy to get such a sucky PUG!!!! At the "spider" boss we wiped once due to no cleansing...I figured no mater how fast I try and heal the poison over run our heals...we did it in the 2nd try and I used what ever I could to keep the tank alive...was so happy that I even need to use GS LOL....completed the whole instance feeling very sleepy...I guess this instance as a training ground is too long for me...yawn!!!

I went and downloaded cowtip to move my tool tips of my mouse over while waiting for them to change pple in and out...but the funny thing about the cowtip is that there are a few other little pop out that are really prominent so I removed it while raiding in naxx...guess have to try and do some config tomorrow...

Sigh...couldn't sleep last thursday after a failure MT heal on XT hard mode...will I be ready on Friday??

The more I look at the print screen of my short conversation with nanny..The more wide wake I become...Can't sleep thinking so went back and added a new macro for the Yogg-saron fight:

/CancelAura Flash Freeze
/CancelAura Hand of Protection
/CancelAura Ice Block

At first I just wanted to add in the Flash Freeze one...however I found out from TankSpot that there is being a "KS" (scared to lose) Singaporean...I added them all....I guess I don't need the extra buff bar that I added after all...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mission possible Day #3 - An instance a day keeps the stiffness away...

Ok today is the so call day 3 for my special training...I promised Irony that I will "wake up"...hee....

An instance a day keeps the stiffness away...doing an instance a day to make sure I am more brushed up...since there is no Heroic CoS I joined a group in Heroic VH and Uncle J pst me and asked "wth are you doing H VH?" LOL I know its no kick to him...I was just trying to get familiar with the new interface arrangement I have made...did UK and also CoS....

Got some of the feel back while healing, but duh...still failed on the time run for CoS since I got too much aggro from healing and let the tank die...sigh...I can do better then that!! Tomorrow will be another day of training if the server is not down!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! Already day #3!!

Hee...did one round of Strands of the Acient Portal...but lost...

I moved my grid back to the original position since it was better for situation awareness...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mission possible Day #2 - Getting Familiar

Went for another CoS again today...this time its a new tank...who's doing it for the first time...Lucky I have dawyn in the group cos we did the time run with 2 mins left @ the boss...Beq finally got his Reins of the Bronze Drake!!! LOL...

Was back late and hence did not get a chance to do Freya in 10 men....Was asked to join for Mimiron...SO happy!!! Suppose to be healing the MT (fatechan ~ mage) tanking for him in one piece to P4 and did not realize that I was suppose to be healing him also for P4!! He got brez and hee...very next sec he was dead again!!! My bad!!!!

The try where we down general was a challenge, Bunny and I were the only 2 that was healing for cos Irony though that there is one more healing...hee...we managed quite fine though...remembering what I used to do when casting heals after a short talk with Hairy...I used the pre-cast method that I did not use for a long time....trick is to cast heal and see if tank's health is full or not...if tank's health is ok, cancel the heal at the very last minute...I was using Greater Heals...but according to Hairy, we should use Flash Heals and do the same thing...Our MT (pally) needed to do a lot of kiting (cos of Surge of Darkness sigh...a DK will be great tank for this fight) and we had a hard time running after him and wipe a few times before we did General Vezax successfully...

We had quite a lot of problem @ Yoggs 10 men...our newly joined members were spawning a few Guardian of Yogg-Saron, the last try we did, I was "saved" by the Flash Freeze, however according to wowhead its called Protective Gaze with very little health...Confirmed that its call Flash Freeze....Irony was telling me to get rid of the buff quickly, however I was not fast enough...and the out side raid got wiped very quickly...I was being encased in a block of ice...sob sob...I found out that we are suppose to create a macro "/cancelaura Flash Freeze" to remove the buff when necessary. I took a bigger step and created a big button to show when I have that BUFF using my ElkBuff addon...Hope it will work...I ever shifted back the grid to the previous position so that I can be more aware of the environment...

You can see a horribly created button LOL...I don't want to remove the anchor so that I can reposition it later...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Mission possible Day #1

New code name for my mission: Training to be a better healer...go for training so that I can be able to do healing with better feel...or according to Hairy...with better sense...

Today is Day #1 to start training...Changed my buttons position and also moved my grid so tat I move my mouse faster...moved my clock back to the top again...hmmm...thinking to use SexyMap instead of squeenix...Not very sure what's gonna be affected...Looks & feels a bit funny still...guess have to do a few instance before I can know wat's affected...

Since I can't join raid for the Hodir fight, I decided to go for COS to start my I asked Beq to start an instance with his pally as tank...Sadly we missed the time run cos our DPSer kept getting disconnected...On the last batch of mobs to the timed boss our tank lagged out and died...sigh...left suddenly cos I was being called to go for General...Oh no...Beq's gonna hate me for at man...First time I ever left a group so suddenly...

Yeah!!! Our guild downed Hodir in hard mode!!! This time it's for REAL!!!! Congratz!!! Sad that I am not in raid but VERY happy that he's down!

We had a few tries at yoggs as there were lots of new pple...some of our experienced players were very nice to stay out for the new ones...

Some one tried to rez pple inside yogg's room and triggered the boss...LOL...I tried to find out but dunno who....wanted to tell the person.."I did tat before"...finally downed yoggs for the day...phew!

OMG!! I actually ran off with the items that I should DE =P OMG only realised it after the raid...Sure gonna be blacklisted...

Friday, July 17, 2009

Total Screw up

I totally screw up today....again...First time I started healing MT since I join the guild...or rather first time doing 10 men since I came back from Australia...

Mistakes I made is so scary that I basically panicked all the way...First @ XT I let my MT die and I was suppose to be healing the tank!!! I moved when I got light bomb...and missed a heal for the tank...Can you imagine that? So we end up not doing the Hard mode cos the Healer (ME) sucks!!

Hodir even "better", I let tank die again!! My timing for heals were totally out! Totally not thinking well...Harry mentioned in the vent that Hodir hard mode is suppose to be a 1 healer fight...I guess I gotta really time everything well if I am going to be the 1 healer...and no mistakes...

Sob...sob....I was so stressed...During Thorim, Irony told me I had to step out for Elyss to come in cos my raid spot is suppose to be his....but end up some one else gave their place for me...I started to realize what is wrong with my heals...I have not been using my spells as efficiently as I used to!! Or rather as correctly...cos I panic there were times that I did not use Greater Heals when I was suppose to!! OMG!! What am I thinking? Isn't that the basic?

The whole raid ended with us achieving quite a lot of achievements but we did not manage to get the Thorim hard mode done...

After raid Harry was telling me that "healing is not about feeling...its about decision making"...I have a sudden realization, this is the difference guys play games from girls...we make decision base on feelings most of the to me healing is mostly feeling...and Harry thinks of it differently...logic...its all about logic...

Having taught a good lesson today I went and respec on my holy spec again...I followed a Popular Spec for priest...should be better next time I heal...I went and replaced the Glyph of Dispell to Glyph of Circle of Healing since they have nerf the Glyph of Dispell...Now it makes more sense to me...

Ok no more next time!!! I must do at least a Heroic a day...else I will be too rusty to do myself or the guild any good...too late to do one today...will have to start the mission tomorrow...

Sadly I heard from Zerino that he is going to transfer server...or rather he already sad...He is one of the players I find amazing since Lyctina...He's healer as well...

The worst news I heard today was that the guild did not down Hodir hard mode for 25 men!!! I thought he was downed when dawyn told me they completed Hodir...sob sob...They missed the enraged timer by just 6 sec!!!! Just 6 sec!!! I am sure he will be down this week!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another CMI day...

So envious!!! Hairy actually made himself the [Spellslinger's Slippers]...Drool....:P~~ I also want!!!! Need 6 Runed guess I must start doing dailies everyday like I used to so that I can get my Azure Netherwing Drake

Our guild downed Hodir hard mod today!! Congratz!!! But too bad I have to sit out cos I am not good at healing in disc and sigh...nevertheless I am glad Hodir hard mod is done =)

We did the "medium" mod for Assembly of Iron...we killed the "Runemaster Molgeim" last.... =) yay!!! still considered as being involved in guild progression =) hee...cos first time we are doing it this way...

I CMI again at Mimiron again...when he did his "P3Wx2 Laser Barrage " again...This time so pissed!!! Cos I actually died after the raid warning was shown...but I din see him shoot!!! and next sec you see I am dead...I actually lagged at the wrong time!!!!! What the $#$%#$@!!! Wa liao I really suck big time!!! I must make sure I will be back on time for 10 men...getting worst and worst at healing these days...sure needs to do more practice...else I really have to quit WOW...

We did the 25 men The Obsidian Sanctum, Sartharion after the raid with less then 20 people...We had 2 wipes cos people keeps dying to void wall and such...and I was in disc I got fed up so for the 3rd try I revert back to using holy specs...I went OOM at the end...gosh...tough...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fun with Disc Spec...back to Holy in raid...

Got a shocked when Hairy asked me whether I am disc spec or not...cos I thought that I will have to have at least 5k gold to be able to get dual spec and I don't have so much...

Turns out we only need 1 k gold to purchase that ability...I went and bought it immediately....and played disc in my holy gear LOL...

Since the guild were trying to attempt for the Hodir hard mod and that only 3 healers are required, I had to sit out which our people wipe in their tries....

While they are busy enjoying themselves and learning the fight, Irony calls it a wipe feast, I had nothing to do, hence went and tried out my disc spec in BG...Really damn fun!!! Cos was uber..Won my first fight in AB (have not done AB since the patch)

Best I got the achievement for winning AB in 6 mins!!! LOL....

I enjoyed casting Penance...the spell looks so nice!!! When you heal, the animation is so refreshing.... =) Used pain suppression once in a while as works the same as Guardian Spirit...

After trying a few BGs I got tired and our raid leader decided that we should go for other bosses and attempt Hodir tomorrow...I was being rotated into raid to heal...

I had to follow Nanny to the hallway...Before we started our Thorim fight...Nanny pst me accidentally with "/w thoramas Wanna bet that christy die in hallway? 500g?" LOL so bad!!! Then he ask me to die and share half half!!! Luckily I din die...but had a few near death experience...cos of the Smash (I think this is what its being called asked most of the very knowledgeable ones in guild but they also not sure what it is being called) from the Runic Colossus (Mini Boss), when the mini boss cast with his right hand we have to run to the left...and vise verse, I actually got hit a couple of times...I din know that we have to avoid the "circles on the ground" as described by Rabbit...I call them the shield that looks like the ones cast in the Malygos stunned at the end of the hallway, good thing the tank has already jumped into the arena area while that happened...Rabbit was laughing at me saying that if the tank dies, he can know who to blame hee...In fact Nanny was there, I don't have to worry about such thing happening....

We downed Freya and also Thorim...Finally got my 2 tier this week, the head (which can be a PITA to gem) and the leggings...but feel so bad for Bastilla cos he was a little too late when he asked for the token only after the token was given to me...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Normal Monday...

Kinda bored today...still feeling sad that I can't complete the midsummer event...and I had so many token and did not change for Captured Flame and Toasted Smorc ...Guess I will have to continue the achievements it next year...

We did not have any I went with Elyss and santaku to H DK...our tank Misha did not give time for us to mana up and went all the way...a very fast run!!! =) I think we were all bugged or something cos till the last boss we couldn't drink....most of the time I was having half mana ><
Bought a new 1 TB harddisk and Hairy suggested that he use my PC to fraps our raid fights on can no problem...I guess I will just pass him my 1 TB for him to do the fraps when the time comes...fraps from his perspective will be better then from mine right? Less stress and even if I do funny things I dun have to worry hahaha....I can still make use of the old hard disk to raid probs...

Anyway Dawyn suggest I should just start to fraps something with my normal raids every weekend... >< install OS and WOW first don't think too much first LOL....fraps or no fraps I need my WOW up first!!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Feeling of Real Raiding

Finally after so long and still trying to get used familiar with playing...

During XT-002 Deconstructor, we timed everything so well that when the heart comes out we cast shadowfiend and then heroism and start to one time nanny even said I "play cheat", my DPS so high as a priest...LOL...

The try that we down XT-002 Deconstructor, in the middle of the fight Arn say that we are 1 min short, so I started to help do a little DPS as well by paining the boss...usually will be too busy to even remember paining the boss...but no choice...I did a 0.4 % dmg man!! Holy !! Stressed LOL...We did the hard mode for XT-002 sucessfully....

The trick is tat we form 2 grps melee and ranged...when anyone get Gravity Bomb (spawn a Void Zone), we have to go left and Light Bomb (spawn a Life Spark), our OT will be on the right side to catch the Life Spark spawned...

Today I really CMI after the hard mods...I can die at Auriaya & Hodir...wa liao so embarassing...

First time I healed at Hall way....panic like mad...lucky I took a coke after having the embarassing deaths at the easy bosses...Hodir (damn I love this fight most!!! can still die???!!!!) and Auriaya...

LOL @ generals I was really so sleepy and gonna fall asleep already when I heard from Hairy that Dawyn will be "one man show" on interrupts LOL....tat was so funny I woke up immediately....

I keep hearing him say R and 1...R and 1....that is his 2 keys to do the interrupts...first try he "missed" twice..."din work"...we realize that this way of interrupt has been we were back to interrupting the same old way... LOL good no more R and 1...Kek...

This my 2nd time doing Yogg-Saron... I still very blur about the whole fight...@ one of the fights, Kemeko was deciding whether to go left or right and he became a "chicken sandwich" in his "chicken" form when 2 green clouds funny!!! People keeps pulling agro and also spawning Guardian of Yogg-s...but we finally down her after!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Hard Mode - Flame Leviathan

WoW its really a PITA to do Flame Leviathan....Our guild core team had done the 10 men version of the hard mod before and they are really good at it...

We had so many wipes and have downed him like to the slightest 10-5% for a few times and we are dead...

Trick we did was to hit lots of pyrites onto the ground before the start of the boss fight and then during the fight the seige gunners will kill flowers and also down more pyrites so that the demolishers will be able to load to do more dmg to boss....

Best part is for all the demolishers, we load one before the fight, so there's 3 person on the demolisher, driver, a gunner and the extra...Zellius was my driver for my seige tank...

We finally downed him phew...=) still considered as guild progression...