Friday, August 7, 2009

Amended Spec...dealing with UI problems...

After talking to mao mao regarding the pros and cons...I made a little modification to the spec he now I am using the Newly amended Spec...

Made some small changes to my UI too...moved the positions of the buttons closer to grid so that I can reach my grid and buttons at minimal speed...sigh...My hands giving me problems again...the stupid wrist swell is up at work I gotta be more careful...

rawr! Hate patches and needing to make changes to UI....I keep getting errors from my ag_UnitFrames..."Message: Interface\AddOns\ag_UnitFrames\ag_UnitFrames.lua:657: attempt to call global 'GetDifficultyColor'..." had to find the file ag_UnitFrames.lua and replace the "GetDifficultyColor" with "GetQuestDifficultyColor" before I can rid of the errors...Since I am grounded cos my hubby has H1N1...I have a little more time to deal with these stuff...hee...


  1. Renew still blows, despite 4pcT9 set bonus.
    1/3 Emp Renew still has a use, it can crit and trigger SoL and Holy Concentration while u are running around avoiding fires.

    U might want to consider Clique with Grid for faster response.

    New 5 man heroic ToC is actually a great place to practice healing. I think the healing requirements in there is anytime as intensive as Mimiron fight. Be prepared to wipe a few times if you are not on the ball.

  2. I actually have a macro for mouse over renews...but I never use the macros for heals...find that I can control the situation better with clicks on heals...

    Did my first 5 man Heroic ToC...was really fun and challenging...great place to train on healing I agree...
