Friday, January 22, 2010

Professor Putricide - 10 tries

I was being advised to update my GridStatusRaidDebuff for Grid so that I can see the debuffs @ Blood-Queen Lana'thel...sadly I was late home and not able to join the guild with the 5 tries of Blood Queen tries...I wonder how everyone's gonna be assigned on the biting part...

While I was listening to the guild down Blood Prince Council, 3 boss again sounds familar....remember The Illidari Council in Black Temple? Not at all like it even though you have to fight 3 bosses too...Our guild down Blood Prince =) yeah...

After Blood Queen I was being sub in since one of the healers keeps getting disconnected....However, we could not get Professor Putricide down this week as different people made different mistakes in the raid, one of the melee (warrior) actually charged at the cloud when he was being targeted!! OMG and wrong macro button pressed...Da and strisen was saying that if we are not being limited with our tries...they would find this funny...I was screaming at the top of my voice!

Can't people understand stay away from CLOUD??!!

Everyone in the raid is getting better and better with each try on Professor Putricide...mao mao is calling our for the range to switch on DPS then the melees to switch for each CLOUD and slime...this way it is safer....however because of this, each try we did, he had to be brez...when he stops "spoon feeding" the raid, our melees were not able to switch DPS fast enough...

On our last try....When the raid leader called out to stop DPSing the boss so as to wait for a cloud spawn get it down and then we will be able to concentrate on the boss for the start of P3...however everyone was like stepping on the accelerator on of our rogue actually took the instruction from raid leader literally and when hero is being called, "DPS the cloud down" and he ran after the cloud before anyone was being targetted and he was actually the targetted its a wipe on that last try...

Talked to Mao Mao after the raid and found out that if I ever gets targetted by CLOUD I should actually shield myself and run since I have the "a little faster" buff when I shield myself...must bear that in mind...if ever required...cos you can never out run a CLOUD on P3 for sure...

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