Saturday, January 9, 2010

ICC - The Plagueworks (First try)

I keep standing at the wrong position for the first boss, Lord Marrowgar...I should be stacking with the raid...sigh...when I get spike while standing away from the raid..."YOU should be sticking with the whole raid for easy access to the SPIKE!" Dawyn said...

For Gunship Battle, I did not know when to jump over to the other ship all the time till today...I just realized that when the cannons are not being "ice blocked" means we have to jump back and when it is being ice blocked it means we have to jump over and fight...LOL....

Anyway we quickly cleared the old wing no wipes at Deathbringer Saurfang (execution was perfect and healing was superb everyone's so pro!) and proceed to the new wing with new trash mobs...

OMG we wiped to Stinky....which is a trash on the way to the boss LOL...please do not under estimate these 2, Stinky and Precious, they can be healed he really down you to minimum and all healer have to AOE heal so that you can survive the fight...OMG really funny seeing pple die the first time we met

Stinky is to the left corner before Festergut's room and Precious to the right corner before Rotface's is the best...they even have a video about it man!!

When we come back the second time....we down them without trouble...trick is to AOE heal....I mean really AOE heals from all healers in the raid!!! LOL...

First try on Festergut...the healers like died so fast to the Vile Gas LOL...Please!!! Everyone should not be standing should be 8 yards apart, I made sure my "/distance": Distance check was up...that no one is 10 yard in range to me...For this fight I realized that DPSers should be more cautious that they should not be within range to the healers cos it is very crucial that the healers keeps the raid and the tank it is best for the DPSers to move when they are in range to the healer instead of forcing the healers to move...standing together I repeat is a NO NO!!

Another thing to remember to do is to run to spores...very simple...when the spores are up...move to nearest spore, when the gas (Gaseous Blight) is up (meaning the ground turns yellowish) spread out and continue DPSing or healing...

We killed Rot face on the 2nd try...By reading the strategy to Festergut and Rotface, I had the impression that Rotface is harder...I realise that Rotface is so much tougher then Festergut...

At Rotface, the room itself does Ooze Flood, which floods basically an entire quadrant of the room with slime....All you need to do is to make sure you stack with the the tank tanking Rotface and then of cos the tank will have to be in the center of the room so that the whole raid can avoid the ooze flood safely...

The ooze flood floods the room at a random quarter, but as mentioned if you stick with the tank in the center, most likely you do not need to move away from your location much...

Mutated Infection is like a Grobbulus type debuff, do not cleanse it if you do not know what to do about it (exact words from mao mao our raid leader...LOL...) cos if cleansed or let it run its duration, it'll spawn a Small Ooze...I got it once and I was not able to run to our OT on time and DCed...OMG....wat a bad time to DC...So our OT just had to tank the small ooze and wait for the next ooze to be brought to him to form the Big Oozes...

OT had to kite the Big Ooze around. The Infected are to bring their Small Oozes to the kiter so they can merge them into the Big Ooze. When the Big Ooze gets to 5 stacks of Small Ooze, it will stop and cast Big Ooze Explosion. Just heal problem with that...The only problem is with people kiting their small ooze to the OT, myself in particular...after the end of the fight, mao mao was telling me, "you have to heal better" again...I guess I was paying too much attention to running away from trouble...

Before we start Progessor Putricide, Dawyn asked for Fish, just right after he typed out the sentence, maldini, bunny, snowy and vuldin all prepared a fish feast, we really had a fish feast...LOL....

For Professor Putricide, OMG he is real PITA!! I have not studied about the fight...I guess I will blog about the strategy later...From what we did I can only summarize the following...

I got the yellow slime and couldn't see it at all....when mao mao call for me to kite I was already dead....can't see anything at all at first...For the 2nd try I start to realize that the so call "Gas cloud" looks like an orange will place 10 stacks of debuff on the person, every sec you will get dmg and then 1 stack of the debuff will drop off...but it will cause lots of dmg to the raid if it reaches the person that it has target depending on the stacks of debuff on the person...NEVER let these yellow/orange looking slime reach you if you are being targeted, they really hurts, it will wipe the raid...btw it changes target after 20 sec once all the debuff on the target drops off...

Volatile Ooze is another horrible will target a player "sending" a line of green, it will root the person that is being targeted and moves toward the targeted player...OMG, have to kill the slime before it reaches the targeted person if not it will explode when it reach the person that is being targeted causing lots of dmg to the targeted player and also the people around them...

When he does the Tear Gas, whereby everyone is being "STOPPED" 2nd phase starts and thats where we screw up most of the time....mao mao realised that the hunters were standing too close to the center making it easy for the slimes to reach them whether its the green one or the orange one (gas cloud)...sadly it was the last try that we are going for in which we got the boss only to 65% this time round...

Most people had difficulty avoiding the "flying slimes", ie Malleable Goo shot at them...its kind of interesting cos it is shot straight at you (travel in a straight line) you gotta strive left or right to avoid it...the animation is really darn cute...

Our OT, Zell is asked to be the Abomination (he has to click on the table behind the boss), so cute, he runs around to eat Ooze - Reduces the size of a nearby Slime Puddle so that we can run around the place...

Gas Bombs...looks like brown flasks on the ground and feels like volcanno...make sure you stand away from them cos they will do like 5k dmg/second to everyone standing over them, will reduce their hit chance by 75%, and explode for over 15k damage after 20 seconds...

We only managed to get him down to phase 2 and since are given only 10 tries on this boss...we gotta try to down him next week...Not bad for a first try =)

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