Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Addicted to WOW?

Addicted to WOW?? I guess most of us are...I even have a blog for it =)

Now trying to learn all I can about HOR, POS and FOS, the new instances in patch 3.3...

The interesting thing I read about WOW this week I thought I must share...

There is this guy who is the great fan of WOW got caught cos he was still playing WOW after he escaped from his country....

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Blizzard Helps Cops Track Down WoW Fan, Suspected Drug Dealer

Wanted on drug dealing charges, Alfred Hightower skipped the country after a warrant was issued for his arrest. But he didn't stop playing World of Warcraft and that's how police caught him.

he Howard County Sheriff's Department in Indiana discovered that Hightower, was a big fan of some "warlock and witches game", eventually piecing together that it was World of Warcraft.

The investigating deputy contacted Blizzard to see if they would help track him down, the Kokomo Perspective reports.

"They don't have to respond to us, and I was under the assumption that they wouldn't," Roberson told the Perspective. "It had been three or four months since I had sent the subpoena. I just put it in the back of my mind and went on to do other things. Then I finally got a response from them. They sent me a package of information. They were very cooperative. It was nice that they were that willing to provide information."

Blizzard provided the sheriff the suspect's IP address, account information and history, his billing address, and his online screen name and preferred server. Deputies then used the information to pinpoint Hightower's location in Canada.

Hightower, who was wanted on charges of dealing in a schedule III controlled substance and dealing in a schedule IV controlled substance, and two charges of dealing in marijuana, was picked up by Canadian authorities and will be returned to Howard County on Jan. 5.

While it's good to see Blizzard helping out law enforcement, it is a touch Big Brothery to hear just how much information they track and keep and are so willing to give away... even when not legally required to do so.
Who say I am hard core player?? Even though I really find it hard to not play WOW or rather feels something missing if I don't play WOW...but this guy is really hard core....

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