Monday, September 20, 2010

Heroic Putricide - Another screwed up day?

How many days have I been screwing up? I not sure abt that...

Totally done all the wrong things for Rot Face and Festergut today...I keep getting pple in my way for Rot Face tat motivation had to show me where to stand...actually the position tat he so call assigned me is where i usually stand....I was just trying to move to the center part so I can reach everyone and at least shield them from the dmg...but no I got squeesed to the right hand side again and screwed up a few times...(we had to try rot face a few times before we can down him....omg...)

I was clearly frustrated when one of the new range dps and also melee keep standing too close to healers...i.e myself lol...and after talking on my mic for sometime I realisd that I forgot to on my mic...when I finally gotta say something on vent...lots of pple pst me and said that I was too loud LOL...

Anyway my ms was as bad as 800 plus during the fights...but I should not be dying to explosion for festergut...I must be dreaming to not see that another failed boss for least the raid was good enough to down him while I am dead lol....moral of the story? "A dead healer is a useless healer...but at least the raid is so good...they can down the boss without a useless healer" LOL...

Anyway we had an attempt on the Heroic Putricide...we did not manage to go into P3 today...I had a talk with MM and realise that I forgot to mending on the melee for P2 again...

Things I learned after speaking to him:

1.) Mending on melee or myself (If I am dying)
2.) Shield tank and let the pallys deal with the tank even for P3
3.) Must remember to Pain Supression the tank when they have 3 stacks
4.) DPS can die, but not the tank cos the tank will heal the boss if dead, but they are easier to heal when more stacks (this I must double check again).
5.) Raid will get more dmg with more stacks on tank.

I just hope tat for I will remember the tips tat MM has been sharing with me...and also I must go and print out the strategy and study it before I screw up more....

After raid today I have a very sad feeling....cos I realised that there is a long way for us since the group are still not understanding the importance of working hand in hand with one another...

After raiding for so many years, one thing I learnt is that if we want to do well and progress for bosses...we gotta start to treasure the importance of each player...especially healers themselves should know matter how well you cannot keep the whole raid alive alone...if there are only 5 healers...or 6...we gotta make sure tat all 6 are alive in order to help the raid...whether you are a raid healer or a tank are very important to the healing committee...I guess if healers are only cares about meters then that will post a very big problem for raid progression...

Actually same goes for the DPS "team" if you can down the boss alone...its not call a raid group...its call "a levelling process" know when you level and needs to kill mob to gain experience? LOL...I wonder how long it will take for everyone to understand that...


  1. Hey Chrystie, Siix here.

    Job of Healer is to only heal the unavoidable Raid Damage. So if DPS die from standing from fire its not your fault. Let them die and be expose... :p

    BTW hor,your yellow gem on your gear is not so good for a disc priest from what i read. Crit is better than haste for Disc Priest as you find yourself Shield Spamming and POM 90% of the time which both spell benefit from Crit only.

  2. Hey Chrystie, it's Motivation.

    Please, take a look at the post in the Min-Max section on the website. The reason I had to assign the spots for healers is because I've received a few whispers, saying they lacked heals on the right side. Also a few new people made it harder than usual. Keep up to the instructions, given by Milk, watch out for malleable and you should be ok. :)

    it's Festergut that we had problems with, not Rotface -.o

  3. Hey Siix and Motivation...thanks for leaving a comment...

    Siix thanks for the advise...embarassingly I am actually geared more for a holy priest and I have been using what I been using for Holy on the disc priest role that I have adopted...

    Motivation...yeah I have been mixing the 2 up for some time I know LOL....frankly I am the one having the problem I guess....not the raid...

  4. Heya Chrystie love the blog =D Butter here btw.

    I think you will find that a certain healer was spending too much time healing the Abomination (like direct healing it) which could have been a reason for the extra strain on heals >_< Comes down to your comment about meters I think.

    A quick note as well... remember to reapply your bubbles on raid. I think you will find that they weren't reapplied too often after the first application. Apart from that this is a tough boss anyway, so don't stress too much we will get it.

  5. Thanks Butter =) I am glad you like the blog...actually I just wanna keep track of what I have been doing in WOW...

    I have been trying hard to reapply bubbles on raid but there is a weaken soul debuff on pple who'd lost their shields sometimes...I have made it such a way that I can see both the shield and also the weaken soul debuff on my grid...anyway will try and shield harder hee...

    Also trying not to stress too much on Heroic Putricide but I really would like to down it...
