We attempted on Blood-Queen Lana'thel again this week...We got her to 5% again...sigh...last week was 3%...
This is really a PITA...every attempt something wrong happened...some got disconnected...I only remember what's the most painful things she does...
The Queen will cast
Pact of the Darkfallen on 3 people forming a triangle...causing them to inflict 3,500 Shadow damage every 1 second to the 3 and anyone within 10 yards to the triangle...This effect will only expires when all linked targets are within 5 yards of each other.
During Phase 2, the Queen will fly in the air and then fear everyone...after which she will cast
Twilight Bloodbolt cause like 9k - 10k shadow dmg to a target and other players within 6 yards...best part is having 2 priest in the raid...where by we can divine hym after the fear...
One interesting thing that caused quite a few people to die to after fear is Swarming Shadows, affected player targeted will spawn a mass of shadows every 1s for 6s.....when the affected player run, they will draw a line of "swarming shadows" (which looks like "fire" in black on the ground) Each mass inflicts 2,313 to 2,687 shadow dmg every 1s to all standing in it....I wonder if it is better if the people dun run and healers heal through the 6s...which minimize the "line" drawn....hhhmmmm....dawyn told me dreyke got disconnected during one of it and he survived for quite a while before dying to standing in it and best part...no line drawn...affected area is only a dot he was standing on...but most important is that people have to stand away from affected player actually...imagine a whole bunch of people standing near??? OMG....
Mostly people fail on the biting:
When player get Vampiric Bite they will get about 12k - 13k physical dmg granting them Essence of the Blood Queen, this way player will increases dmg by 100% and also easier to heal by 15% on top of that have no threat....meaning you can blast the Queen as much as you like...however you will be Frenzied Bloodthirst after 75s. When you are Frenzied Bloodthirst, you will be mind controlled after 15s, unless you bite a friendly target....making them a vampire like yourself....Biting another player refreshes the duration of Essence of the Blood Queen to 60s, and also grants the debuff to the bitten player....so the one getting bitten gotta do it for at least 3 times before the Queen is down...tough...
Sigh...In which we lost our 2 best DPSers (Eury and Sarrino) during our last try...since Eury actually did not manage to bit on time and murdered Sarrino....according to Dawyn, they should be the last 5% before the Queen wipe us all...