Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Kingslayer Finally!!

I have been AFK for at least 2 weeks...and after coming back from my trip, this is my first week back to raiding...I finally down Lich King in 25 man!! Or rather this is the first time I ever down LK!!! LOL..... I never know Lich King is so big! LOL...

OMG...it was really tiring fight for disc preist...imagine I had to shield the pple all the way...I had another disc priest helping me with the shielding...I kinda taking half of the raid only...but I try and cover everyone when I have the time....

I used everything I can to get back mana e.g Hymm of Hope, shadow fiend...etc during phase transitions and then I used Divine Hym after the 2nd phrase transition...

Sigh...I see a lot of Wicked Spirits, floating around and doing dmg...even tough they are very low health but does decent AoE dmg...lol...(I died to them the last time we attempted LK)

After the fight I still can see my body floating in the air...kinda interesting...but sadly I died during the fight again...This time..I did not fail myself...but other healers did not heal me since I was stunned by LK and could not heal myself...sob sob...no love from our super healer group... >.< I guess I will have to take some time to study the Lich King fight and also Heroic Professor Putricide, I even told zero that I can't find what is the ooze variable...dunno what it is...realised that I did not read the fights carefully...or rather dun understand it fully...Dawyn had to specifically explain this fight to me before I understand...omg...

Found from wowhead.com:

Heroic: A few new things will trouble your raid in the Heroic version of this encounter. First, Putricide will no longer use Tear Gas during his phase transitions. Instead, he will summon both a Gas Cloud and a Volatile Ooze. In the 25-man version of the fight, he will also split your raid in half - approximately half of the players will receive Gas Variable debuff, and the other half - Ooze Variable. The people marked with Gas will only be able to interact with the Gas Cloud, and the people marked with Ooze - with the Volatile Ooze.

The other key change to the fight is the addition of Unbound Plague and Plague Sickness. Putricide will use Unbound Plague on a random raid member about 1-2 times each phase. The Plague will do increasingly more Shadow damage to that player and will jump to nearby raiders if there are within range. To deal with it, you need to have the infected person step away from the rest of the raid, take the Plague's damage for about 10-12 seconds, then move to another raider and pass it on. The old target will receive a Plague Sickness debuff, which increases the damage taken by Unbound Plague by 250%, so they should never get it again; the new target will receive the Plague with as many seconds as were left before the passing (50-48 ideally). The raid needs to continue passing it until the 60 seconds duration expire.

Its a fruitful day for me...even though my internet connection CMI, we finally downed Lich King!!! OMG!!! LOL...Yeah!! I am so happy... =D

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Raiding with great improvements

We just down Heroic SF with just 23 men! OMG lol...Our 2nd team raid is getting better each week...of cos with the maximum buffs tat we have does helps a lot...

But nevertheless...Well done! I hate to say this...but the missing man does make me worried...I was trying to heal all the marked ones constantly renewing on each and then PoM on the 2 tanks (who ever had agro) I wondering Y they are not being shielded...

Feels good being able to do heroic mode with 1 less...I will be away next week afk...just hope tat it will not be a 22 men night next week...

I am kinda having fun switching from disc priest to holy and then back, and its without much pain! I do have to agree that holy priest does needs some skills in playing...strangely I prefer to play disc now...sometimes I forgot I am using disc when I go into instance...usually I will be playing holy in instance and the only time I go disc is when I play.

Anyway we kinda did so well today...we even did Blood Queen Heroic! But we 2 shot it...at least we downed her =D

Hope we can get King Slayer 25 men this week....Just hope tat tomorrow's attendance will be better...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Blood Queen (Heroic)

OMG I forgot to take a picture again!!!!

We downed Blood Queen in heroic the first time...I mean the 2nd team of the guild of cos. Yeah!!! Did it in 3nd try!!! 2rd try someone became mind controlled, the first guy...LOL hence we have no vampire at all LOL....

OMG the healing was real tough...I had difficulty finding the right spot to shield everyone...everywhere seems to be filled with pple....so in the end I decided to move to a better spot further away from the raid healers...

Priestly and I were the 2 healing priest..I am disc and she is using holy...I should have coordinate with her to use divine hymn during air phase at least cast one per air phase...but I forgot to do that...In the end both of us had it casted during the 2nd air phase and somehow it was just nice! Or rather perfect!

The macro I set for Divine Hymn is still winner:

/cast Inner Focus
/cast Divine Hymn

Priestly and I both using it... =D I totally love the animation of the spell cast...Anyway I was careful for the last try first casting fear ward on myself so that I can make sure I heal the rest of the pple during the first air phase...actually P1 of air phase most of the raid was healed quickly to full health...then on the 2nd air phase, I use "Every Man for Himself" to get myself out of the fear running straight back to position and start to cast my Divine Hymn.

I was shielding pple like mad through out the fight...MM says that I should do mending 1st, shield and then binding heal the "vampire" person....I kinda din do that...as advised I did do mending whenever the 10s cool down is up and then I shielded everyone (like mad)...cast penance on the tank and then binding heal on the person who needs healing if I am also low (can you imagine I can forget to use that sometimes? Risk is that if the person u binding heal dies....the heal will not go through and then you will not be healed too) LOL...

I tried very hard to keep rabbit alive but to no avail...too bad...our dear rabbit healing as pally is very fragile today...nevertheless we downed the Queen with half the guild alive...not bad for a first try...hope we can do a cleaner one next week!!

Quoting Zell or was it Zero, the end was a little messy but its ok...LOL...we did it!!

I am not sure Y today's game feels a bit slower and I had to do direct connection to get my latency down to 300 plus...if not it will be like 500 plus if I am connected to the router...I guess its time to get a new router...WTB router!!!!