Saturday, October 10, 2009

Downed 25 Man Heroic ToC - Lord Jaraxxus

Yeah finally got the stupid yeti (Ice Howl) down!!!! Actually the guild had downed it like 2 weeks ago but I never had a chance to do it with them...previously I did it with the guild the Yeti likes me too much...keeps running after me...ehmmmm..... =( trick to get out of his way is to strafe side way...look at where he is going...problem is when you are somewhere near a person and you are not very sure which way he will be pouncing to...cos the angel is too small....

We downed Lord Jaraxxus after a few tries...our legendary (nanny) and Shadow priest (mao mao) were both saying that they were both saying that they have to be around to be able to down bosses hee....

This fight seems simple if everyone just stay out of trouble...interestingly we were doing fine (but still cannot make it when 2 healers where being locked/silent) when we had 4 healers...with nanny not DCing, we were healing with 5 healers (oak-super heals/val - legendary heals/erectos - shadow heals in disc lol/lohkies - new heals and myself).....If a portal spawn without an extra should be a very nice and easy our tank was screaming all the way in his broken mic (I keep hearing pfttt...pffttt....) to kill the portal/hit the portal...LOL...same goes for the volcano...

I would say that "Incinerate Flesh — Burns the flesh off your bones!" is a real PITA....It absorbs the next 60000 healing received and decreases damage dealt by 50% for 12 sec. If Incinerate Flesh is not removed before it expires it will cause a Burning Inferno (which is even more PITA). So to avoid that...according to mao mao, its best to get a pally to heal the person that gets the debuff...I just had to throw like a Greater Heal and a Flash Heal on the person and leave the rest of the heals to nanny and it will be taken care of..Most of the time my second heal cast was not even done and the debuff is already gone....

It is very bad when both our super heals and legendary heal is being CCed...the last try we did at the very last min...Oak had the "Incinerate Flesh" and OMG nanny was loced and was not able to heal LOL...And I was healing my hands off Oak...but still the heals were not enough...and it actually expires and killed most of the raid...OMG...nevertheless we downed him!!!!!!! Happy!!!! Yeah!!!! I took a screen shot before the guild gathered together for the guild photo....

WOW I really find the 2 addons: GridIndicatorSideIcons and GridStatusRaidDebuff cool!! I can see very clearly who are the poeple who will be getting dmg etc...and time it in such a way that I can heal them right after they get dmg...

GridIndicatorSideIcons helps me see very clearly who to dispel and also who to remove the disease from...Best part I can see all the debuffs tat the raid is getting...

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